Manheim Express opens the doors to international B2B used car trading in the EU

Cross-border B2B used car trade in the EU is now even easier! A digital platform enables international dealers to export German used vehicles safely and efficiently. Thanks to automated processes, comprehensive compliance solutions and reliable logistics, sellers and buyers alike benefit from smooth processing. Find out how you can make the most of the European market for your business!

Customer service

+49 2351 567 66 00 
Please write to us


Our location
Manheim Express // Cox Automotive Remarketing GmbH
Bubenheimer Bann 11
56070 Koblenz 

Opening hours:

Mon – Fri: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Sat + Sun: closed

Customer service
+49 261 98 36 90 – 0

Please write to us

Our location
Manheim Express c/o Manheim Deutschland GmbH
Bubenheimer Bann 11
56070 Koblenz

Opening hours:
Mon – Fri: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Sat + Sun: closed